Pre-order information just went up on The Folio Society site for this exciting edition of Victor Hugo’s novel of the sea. This is the first edition that has all of Hugo’s own illustrations incorporated as they apparently were in his original manuscript. It looks fabulous from the pictures on the website.
This would be a no-brainer for me if my book budget could support it. Even when I have the disposable income for a book like this, I try to maintain some sanity in my book buying by only purchasing books I will actually read. So that means a re-read if I’m buying another edition of a book I already own. As you would know if you have read my previous post on the Limited Editions Club edition of this novel, this book definitely would make it past that gate and it would be my pleasure to re-visit it. I’ve been waiting to see this one but half-hoping it would take it’s time getting published so I had a better chance of adding it to my Hugo editions and reviewing it here.
AVAILABILITY: Pre-order for the edition of 1250 is available on the Folio Society website. Delivery starting in March 2014.